Senator Tim Scott Questions NLRB Nominees

Washington – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Scott questioned President Obama’s nominees to the National Labor Relations Board. President Obama nominated both Nancy Schiffer, AFL-CIO Associate General Counsel, and Kent Hirozawa, chief counsel to the current NLRB chairman, to replace his so-called recess appointments, which were declared unconstitutional by multiple court rulings. Senator Scott has previously raised concerns that the activist nature of the NLRB under the Obama administration has made it harder for businesses to succeed as the board serves as a pro-union, anti-right-to-work apparatus rather than an impartial arbiter. Senator Scott used today’s hearing of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee to question both nominees on their ability to be impartial and support policies that allow businesses to grow, succeed, and hire new workers.

Video of the questioning can be foundhere.
