ICYMI: Senator Scott on Face the Nation: Every Single Bracket Will Have Lower Taxes

Charleston, SC – U.S. Senator Tim Scott, member on the Senate Finance Committee, joined CBS Face the Nation on Sunday to discuss the Senate’s tax bill, which was released last week.

“We are at place where the vast majority of taxpayers will get tax cut; every single bracket will have lower taxes. The reality of is if you define middle-class America as $73,000 because it’s the average income per household in the country, that average household will see their taxes go down by $1,500.”

“Those folks living in a single-parent household, head of household could see their taxes cut in half, and folks living in dual household with $117,000 see their taxes going down.”

“Our business tax restructuring will create somewhere near a million jobs over the next ten years, American jobs created here at home, because we’re going to have an opportunity to be competitive. This is really good news for the average person in this nation that wants to see the jobs of the future created here at home.”

You can watch Senator Scott talk tax reform on Face the Nation here
