- Thursday, October 5th, 2017
Scott: Economic Agenda Must Allow Americans to Prosper
Washington -Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) made the following statement today in response to President Obama’s economic address at Knox College. The White House billed the address as a major pivot in the president’s agenda to refocus attention on the economy, but admitted that the speech failed to offer any new ideas.
“For years, we have been hearing the same prescription from President Obama – bigger government, higher taxes and more spending. Today, we simply heard the same ideas that continue to hold our country back.
“We’ve seen countless examples over the past few years of government overreach hurting hardworking American families. Our entrepreneurs are willing to take risks and innovate so they can grow their businesses and hire new employees. So let’s unleash the potential of small business owners, workers, and families by lowering taxes and reducing the size of government. Instead of punishing success, let’s encourage it.
We need a simpler tax code, smart regulation and an education system that is second to none. I will continue to fight for an agenda that allows our country to live up to its potential as the greatest and most prosperous nation in the world.”