Scott Statement on Obama’s Newest Executive Action Restricting Americans’ 2nd Amendment Rights

Charleston, SC– U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) released the below statement following President Obama’s announcement that he will circumvent Congress through executive action:

“President Obama’s actions today to enact additional gun control through executive order – by creating new barriers to purchase for responsible and law-abiding citizens and expanding the federal government’s role in this area – clearly shows his willingness to again go around the U.S. Congress.His actions are part of a troubling pattern of simply ignoring an equal branch of government when confronting important issues facing the nation.

“The new executive orders, which recycle several White House proposals, was debated and rejected in Congress by a bipartisan majority. No president, regardless of party, can just go it alone when they disagree with the will of the American people’s elected representatives in Congress. And the fact is, none of these orders would have prevented the heartbreaking tragedies our nation has experienced.

“What we need to do, and can do together, is work on mental health issues. That is why I am a co-sponsor of Senator Cornyn’sMental Health and Safe Communities Act. It will help fix the existing background check system without expanding it, increase the use of treatment-based alternatives for mentally-ill offenders, and improve crisis response and prevention by local officials.”
