- Thursday, October 5th, 2017
Sen. Scott Responds to Release of 15 GITMO Detainees
WASHINGTON, DC -U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) released the following statement regarding the most recent release of 15 Guantanamo Bay detainees:
“The Obama Administration has again jeopardized our national security through the irresponsible release of 15 more detainees from Guantanamo Bay. In his relentless effort to meet a campaign promise, the President has potentially enabled dangerous and high-risk individuals to return to the fight against the U.S. and our allies in ourbattle against terrorism. This comes aftera senior Defense Department official confirmed Americans have died at the hands of Guantanamo detainees following their release.
The only way to prevent these bad actors from rejoining terrorist organizations is for the U.S. to maintain oversight on their containment at Guantanamo. Not to mention, the most recent detainee transfer program has cost us approximately $1.5 million of taxpayer money, yet there is no agreement the nation receiving the prisoners will monitor their activity. I am committed to fighting this disastrous and irresponsible plan. GITMO is an asset to our national security and must remain open.”