Senator Tim Scott awarded ACU’s Conservative Excellence Award

Washington – For the third consecutive year, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) is being awarded the Conservative Excellence Award from the American Conservative Union in recognition of his consistent track record in promoting conservative principles and values while serving as a member of Congress.

“I am humbled by the recognition, and honored the American Conservative Union has taken the time to recognize my commitment in supporting ideals that I truly believe will continue to improve the lives of Americans from all walks of life,” said Scott. “I genuinely believe conservative solutions will bring real change to America. The kind of change that does not create temporary fixes, but instead grows our economy, creates jobs, and protects the liberties granted to every American by our Constitution.”

The award is presented to members of the House and Senate who score between 90 and 100% on a variety of issues of concern to grassroots conservatives. Scott received a 92 rating on his voting record for 2015.

“Year end and year out, Senator Scott is a champion for the conservative philosophy that sovereignty resides in the person,” said Dan Schneider, ACU’s executive director. “We can always count on him for his good votes and his good character.”
