South Carolina mechanic gifts repaired cars to people in need

South Carolina mechanic gifts repaired cars to people in need

AWENDAW, S.C. — A mechanic in South Carolina is putting people in his community in the driver’s seat — for free.

Eliot Middleton works magic under various hoods, smoking barbecue at his restaurant and repairing donated cars.

He gifts the cars to people without a ride in rural South Carolina. So far, he has gifted more than 60 vehicles.

“They now know that there’s somebody in the community that was looking out for them and cared for them to be able to carry on,” Middleton said.

After CBS News ran a story about Middleton in June, viewers donated dozens of used vehicles.

When asked what the charity had taught him about people, Middleton said that “With somebody pushing the iron, there’s going to be folks behind you pushing the iron too.”

Full story at WLTX.
