Letters to the Editor: Thanks for help getting young adults home

During these alarming times our country is enduring, I must take the time to bring to your attention the incredible assistance received from U.S. Sens. Lindsey Graham (Toby Tyler) and Tim Scott (Deb Blickenstaff), as well as U.S. Rep. Joe Cunningham (April Derr) who provided unwavering support, assistance and guidance through this ordeal.

Sens. Graham and Scott and Rep. Cunningham are true professionals with reassuring voices and emails who worked tirelessly for the repatriation of 11 young adults in Peru to Charleston.

On March 14, these Charlestonians left on a one-week vacation to explore Machu Picchu, Peru.

They saved their money, booked their flights and left expecting an experience they would never forget. And they won’t.

From the time they landed in Cusco, Peru, these travelers encountered a multitude of obstacles, such as a government-imposed quarantine in response to the COVID-19 virus, canceled flights, canceled hotel rooms and confrontations with the Peruvian military and police enforcing the quarantine.

Exacerbated by the daily stress and lack of information they received, coupled with the fact they were desperate to return home, it was disheartening for these young adults to feel their country was failing to help them.

Thank God and all of those who helped repatriate these travelers that they are all safely home now.
