Sen. Tim Scott introduces bill aimed at protecting children from identity theft

Senator Tim Scott announced his plan to introduce a bipartisan bill aimed at protecting children from identity theft via a Facebook post Tuesday morning.

“It is simply inconceivable,” said Scott, “that a criminal would seek to exploit a child’s identity and personal information for their own financial gain, and we must look to utilize all of our resources to stop these crimes from continuing to negatively impact our families.”

Scott hopes to help prevent this kind of thing from happening by introducing the Protecting Children From Identity Theft Act, along with Senator of Louisiana Bill Cassidy, Senator of Missouri Claire McCaskill and Senator of Michigan Gary Peters.

“This legislation will help prevent children’s identity being stolen by a type of theft known as ‘synthetic ID fraud,'” Scott states in the post. “Our upgraded Social Security Administration procedure is a commonsense and effective way to cut down on synthetic ID fraud and help prevent millions of people from having their identity stolen.”

You can read more about this legislation here.
