ICYMI: Sen. Scott Provides Solutions to President Biden’s Open Border Crisis Amid Expiration of Title 42

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) penned an op-ed in Fox News highlighting multiple pieces of legislation he has introduced, including the Alan T. Shao II Fentanyl Public Health Emergency and Overdose Prevention Act which extends the powers of Title 42 and protects Americans by stifling the flood of fentanyl pouring over President Biden’s open border. 

Biden abandons Title 42, so here are 3 ways to solve our border crisis

Fox News

By Sen. Tim Scott

“President Joe Biden is fueling the raging fentanyl epidemic, a true national public health emergency warranting immediate action. As a new wave of the Biden border crisis is boiling over with the end of Title 42, this administration has shown little interest in actually solving it.”


“This problem will only be magnified as the Biden administration allows Title 42 to expire, something even Secretary Mayorkas admitted in 2022 will only cause the number of migrants showing up along our southern border to surge.”


“The reality is bleak under [President Biden’s] leadership, but we have an opportunity to change course right in our own hands. It’s time for us to take bold and decisive action. It starts with securing our border and dismantling the criminal cartels trafficking fentanyl into our country.”

“Let’s pass my legislation – the Alan T. Shao II Fentanyl Public Health Emergency and Overdose Prevention Act – to utilize powers similar to those under Title 42 and apply them in response to the new public health emergency: the fentanyl epidemic. Today, more Americans between the ages of 18 and 45 die from fentanyl than from COVID-19, car accidents, cancer and suicide combined, making fentanyl the leading cause of death among adults. To treat this with any less rigor than our COVID-19 response would be an injustice to grieving families and loved ones.”


“The solutions are right there in front of us. It’s time for a president to implement them. With new leadership, guided by an optimistic vision of what America can be, I know we get the job done to keep our streets safe, secure our southern border, and put this country on a path towards a better and brighter future.”

Click here to read the op-ed in full in Fox News.    
