- Thursday, October 5th, 2017
Senator Scott Set to Kick-Off Statewide Veterans Job Training Initiative
Charleston, SC – Acting on his commitment to supporting South Carolina veterans and their families as they transition from military service to the civilian workplace, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) today announced the launch of a statewide Veterans Job Training Initiative. The initiative will kick off next week with targeted workshops for veterans in Columbia, Myrtle Beach, Greer and North Charleston focused on how they can transfer their military skills and certifications to the civilian world.
“I am proud to launch my Veterans Job Training Initiative because I know that each veteran can contribute their diverse skills and talent to our workforce following their service to our country,” said Senator Tim Scott. “Through these workshops and job and resource fairs, I plan to help connect our veterans to resources and job opportunities and South Carolina’s employers to a talented pool of highly motivated potential employees. We owe our veterans and their families not just our thanks, but our commitment to assisting their transition from military service back into the civilian workplace. I encourage any South Carolinian veteran looking to explore new employment opportunities and grow their skills to attend one of the workshops or one of the job and resource fairs early next year.
As part of Senator Scott’s Veterans Job Training Initiative, his office will also host additional workshops in December and January on “Available Educational & Entrepreneurial Resources” and “Resume Writing and Interviewing Skills and a Hiring Manager’s Panel.” He also plans to host veteran job and resource fairs in early 2015.
To register for an upcoming workshop or for more information, those interested can call one of Senator Scott’s offices at (843) 727-4525 (Lowcountry), (803) 771-6112 (Midlands) or (864) 233-5366 (Upstate).
Monday, October 20, 2014
Columbia Chamber of Commerce Boardroom
930 Richland Avenue
Columbia, SC
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Horry-Georgetown Tech Conference Center
950 Crabtree Lane
Myrtle Beach, SC
8:30am – 12:00pm
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Greer City Hall
301 East Poinsett Street
Greer, SC
3:00pm – 5:00pm
Note: Senator Scott will attend and have a media availability
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Trident Technical College
7000 Rivers Avenue – Building 410 (2nd Floor)
North Charleston, SC
8:30am – 12:00pm