- Thursday, October 5th, 2017
Senator Scott: We Need Action, Full Independent Senatorial Investigation of Veteran’s Healthcare System
Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) today called on the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation to launch an immediate, independent investigation of mismanagement, incompetence and corruption at the Department of Veterans Affairs.
In a letter sent to Subcommittee Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) and Subcommittee Ranking Member John McCain (R-AZ), Senator Scott urged swift action from the subcommittee, which is “tasked with studying and investigating the compliance or noncompliance with rules, regulations and laws, investigating all aspects of crime and lawlessness within the United States which have an impact upon or affect the national health, welfare and safety.”
The letter states, “Recent reports have alleged VA employees created “secret” waiting lists, shredded official documents and engaged in other nefarious activities in order to cover-up backlogs of veterans’ claims…If true, these despicable acts are at the very least improper expenditures of government funds, and at worst may have contributed to the deterioration in health or even death of some of our brave veterans. This potential appalling behavior towards our veterans, mismanagement of government funds, and breach of public trust certainly warrants your committee’s full attention.”
Senator Scott was joined on the letter by Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN), John Barrasso (R-WY), Richard Burr (R-NC), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Tom Coburn (R-OK), Susan Collins (R-ME), Bob Corker (R-TN), John Cornyn (R-TX), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), John Hoeven (R-ND), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Mike Johanns (R-NE), Mike Lee (R-UT), John McCain (R-AZ), Rob Portman (R-OH), Jim Risch (R-ID), Pat Roberts (R-KS), John Thune (R-SD), and Pat Toomey (R-PA).
The full text of the letter is below, and a PDF version is available HERE.
May 22, 2014
Dear Chairman and Ranking Member:
We are writing to request an immediate investigation into reported mismanagement, incompetence, and corruption within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care centers throughout the country. Specifically, the investigation should focus on how appropriated funds for patient care and record management were spent in light of allegations of concerted efforts to present inaccurate and misleading information about patient wait times in order to ensure VA employees qualified for personal bonuses.
Recent reports have alleged VA employees created “secret” waiting lists, shredded official documents and engaged in other nefarious activities in order to cover-up backlogs of veterans’ claims. Media reports have suggested that these “secret lists” were maintained in some cases to garner better data for year-end performance bonuses. If true, these despicable acts are at the very least improper expenditures of government funds, and at worst may have contributed to the deterioration in health or even death of some of our brave veterans. This potential appalling behavior towards our veterans, mismanagement of government funds, and breach of public trust certainly warrants your committee’s full attention.
Given even the slightest hint of a possible organized effort to fabricate information critical to the care of our nation’s veterans, an immediate investigation should be conducted to determine if the health care of our veterans is being put at risk. We request your committee join the effort to thoroughly investigate and expose the facts surrounding this situation.
The federal government’s commitment to honor our nation’s veterans and provide them with proper care should never be called into question. Any allegations of such a heinous conspiracy as to engage in personal profiteering at the expense our veterans’ wellbeing by the very public servants entrusted to care for our veterans must be taken seriously and not ignored.
Thank you for your serious consideration of this matter and we look forward to your response.